Manage your benefits easily with a
Bank of Little Rock Health Savings Account, powered by Lively.
Key Features
Easy-to-use online dashboard
Investment options*
Education and resources
Bank of Little Rock is committed to understanding and meeting your unique financial needs, which is why we have partnered with Lively, a top-rated benefit solutions provider, to offer an innovative Health Savings Account (HSA). With a Bank of Little Rock HSA, powered by Lively, you will have access to robust features, unparalleled support, and comprehensive resources to optimize your HSA according to your goals — whether that’s saving for near-term healthcare expenses, building a nest egg for the future, or growing your investment portfolio.
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a personal savings account for health expenses, like a 401(K) for healthcare. Designed to be paired with qualified health plans, such as most High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs), your HSA offers you the following benefits:
- HSAs allow for tax-deductible contributions, tax-free interest, and tax-free withdrawals when used for eligible healthcare expenses
- Yours to keep for life – HSAs are owned by individuals (not your employer) and can be transferred from job to job
- Funds never expire, making HSAs a smart way to save tax-free money long-term for both expected and unexpected healthcare costs
*Investment options for HSAs in the custody of Lively, Inc. are provided by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Lincoln National Life Insurance Company and The Lincoln Life & Annuities Company of New York, and Devenir, LLC; fees may apply. Investments are: NOT FDIC INSURED – NOT BANK GUARANTEED – NOT A DEPOSIT – MAY LOSE VALUE.